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Backflow Incense Burner

1.There is a type of incense burner called a backflow incense burner. When using this incense burner, with no wind and still air indoors, the smoke flows down slowly like a waterfall from the top, creating a truly magical effect. Observing the backflow incense burner is like witnessing a dynamic and ever-changing ink painting, surreal and mesmerizing. The smoke flows like water, continuously shifting and transforming, making each second a unique beauty.

2.Our backflow incense burner has a unique design, with a moderate size that is suitable for placing in the living room. It not only adds a distinctive touch but also emits a pleasant and rich aroma of wormwood.

3.Why can the incense flow in reverse? The incense cone used in the backflow incense burner is hollow, allowing the smoke to be trapped inside the hollow tower-shaped incense column and cooled. Due to its heavier density compared to the air, the smoke sinks down to the ground and flows out through small holes at the bottom of the burner, creating the backflow effect that we observe.

4.How is backflow incense made? Enthusiasts of the incense craft can use powdered materials such as agarwood, wormwood, cypress, or sandalwood to create backflow incense. During the production process, adhesive and water are added to the incense powder, and the mixture is kneaded into tower, bullet, or any desired cone-shaped forms. After creating an opening at the bottom, the incense is left to dry.

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